Get the 3-step 'mindful fitness method’ (inspired by Shaolin Monks) that we use to transform spinal movement in as little as 14-days.

Are you one of these 3 types of people?

1. I ❤️ fitness

  Back stiffness reducing your performance? 
You're into activities like Crossfit, sports, Yoga, movement, dance, etc... but your back feels tight and vulnerable to injury, which limits your; lifting technique, sporting performance, ability to do certain asanas and movements. 
You've tried foam rolling, stretching but your back still feels tight.
  Want a more mobile spine? 
So you can move better for the activities you enjoy.
  Learn our 3 step, holistic mobility method below...

2. I sit a lot for work

  Stress, back and neck tension pulling your posture out of balance? 
You work at a desk, sit for long periods, not moving your back much. Work pressures leave you feeling stressed and tired at the end of the day. Your breath feels shallow, lower back and neck tension are building up.
You've tried to go to the gym or a fitness class, and different back stretches, but your back still feels out of whack.
  Interested in ways to relax your back... at work and at home? 
So you can move your back more freely, breathe deeper to be more productive and at ease during the day.
  Learn our spinal breathing and nervous system relaxing techniques below...

3. Back pain is limiting me

  Back, neck, shoulder pain sapping the joy from life? 
Simple movements are challenge; like getting out of bed, or in and out of a car, and bending down. You feel afraid of moving your back too much because you don't want the aches & pains get worse.
You've tried pain-killers, physical therapy, massage, and exercise, but your back still hurts.
  Want to resolve back aches & pains? 
So you can feel more confident when moving your back and live a more joyful life.
  Learn why so many people get back stiffness and pain below...

Discover the spinal mobility method that's working for 2,759 people right now to:

Resolve back, neck & shoulder pain

To get back to moving freely again and prevent little back niggles from turning into chronic back pain. 

Improve postural alignment

By being able to align their spines with more ease and less tension whilst at the desk, and moving through life.

Improve athletic performance

By improving spinal strength and flexibility, which translates to better bio-mechanics in any sport, or activity.

Compliment other physical practices

By having a better moving spine, it brings a new levels of ability in Yoga, Crossfit, Martial Arts, Rock Climbing, and more ...

Live a life limitlessly

From having low energy caused by back pain, to a healthy spine that feels free to play, adventure and do more of the things you love. 

It works to improve spinal mobility & relieve back pain, even if you've tried and failed with foam rolling, stretching, Yoga, physical therapy.

Get better spinal mobility in 14-days

For less than a cup of coffee per day. Beginner friendly. Guaranteed results.

Hi, my name is Benny Fergusson.

I'm the founder of Movement Monk. We specialise in mindful fitness & healing and make it easy for anyone to discover how to heal their body and grow their levels of physical freedom.
  • In 2010, I injured my back and was in excruciating pain. My spine was bent, like a buckled bike wheel.
  • ​I was prescribed anti-inflammatory medication and painkillers, but the pain didn’t go away. 
  • I intuitively felt something wasn’t right deep inside my back and it led me on a journey to discover how to care for my body better...

My biological age was 28, but I actually felt 88.

When I was suffering from a chronic spinal injury, I had constant back tension & pain. Basic movements in daily life like picking up objects, getting in and out of the car and walking highlighted this, as my back was often yelling at me in the background.
 I was worried I was going to become an old person who needed a walking frame to get around. 
 I tried stretching, foam rolling, Yoga, Chiro, Physio, Osteo, Reiki and more ... but my back still felt stiff with no lasting relief. 

It was like a vice was tightening on my back.

My back felt out of balance; the right side of my spine was way stronger and tighter than the left. I had strength from the gym, but struggled with my spinal mobility and stability.
  Doing the things I loved like rock climbing, martial arts, strength training, and hiking were becoming increasingly difficult and felt less fun.
  Even my productivity at work was going down. It was hard to sit for prolonged periods, without my back tensing up.

This was keeping me stuck in a cycle of back stiffness...

It must have been the 37th visit to the chiropractor, and they were still adjusting the same spots in my lower (lumbar) and mid back (thoracic). No lasting change was happening and I realised I was stuck in a cycle that was causing my back challenges to keep happening.

I didn't feel safe in my body and had so much fear to move my back, and I avoided anything that might trigger pain.
  I realised that I was expecting someone else to fix my back, because I didn't know how to care for my back and improve my spinal health.

A journey to spinal health and freedom.

 So what did I do? I embarked on a spinal health journey... researching, learning with different teachers, and asking quality questions. Here’s what I learned:
  I discovered there is a problem with the mainstream health care system. The main focus is on managing symptoms and putting us in a diagnosis box, which keeps us stuck & dependent on the system.
  The Solution to a healthy, mobile & strong spine is to become empowered with the knowledge to care for your body better... to heal the root cause of back aches, pain & stiffness.
That's why I believe it's so important to learn holistic ways to take care of your own spinal health and movement.
  But one thing has always bothered me...

Why do so many people get 
back stiffness & pain?

If you have, or have had lower back pain... you are not alone. Back pain is one of the most common reasons people see a doctor, or miss days at work. Back stiffness & pain don't just happen when you’re older, it can happen at any age (even to kids).
   So why do so many people experience some sort of back pain in their life? And why is your back giving you issues?
Here’s three major back stiffness & pain causes we’ve learned at Movement Monk in the past 15 years, working with thousands of students who started with back issues:
1. Too Little Use: Not moving and stimulating your spinal muscles regularly, they lose strength and can become stiff. Basically if you don’t use it you lose it.

2. Sudden Intensity: Doing an activity that you’re not used to like lifting an object, or bending in an unusual way, or pushing too hard when exercising (without enough strength), can lead to excess back muscle soreness and strains.

3. Nervous System Overload: Being overloaded with fear, thoughts and emotions can put strain on the nervous system, make the breathing become shallow and put strain on the organs. This creates a storm in the body that can lead to back tension and pain.
  Any of these factors can lead to back issues, and most commonly it’s a combination of all of them – and then pop… your back goes out when you least expect it!

That's why it's so important to...

"Listen to the whispers of your back … before it screams"

Beyond the obvious challenges back stiffness & pain presents in daily life — the bigger issue is when a small ongoing back niggle, turns into something bigger. Here’s a common scenario I've noticed…


  • STARTS SMALL: You start with a small amount of back stiffness — and don't do anything about it.
  • OUCH EVENT: You hurt, or injure your back, and it limits what you can do.
  • AVOIDANCE: You become less active and avoid moving your back, due to the discomfort.
  • DE-CONDITIONING: You put on some weight, lose some strength and reach for the painkillers when the discomfort peaks.
  • CHRONIC BACK PAIN: What started as a whisper from your back can turn into a loud, lasting scream.
Pretty quickly you can go from living a fun and active lifestyle to becoming best friends with the couch and TV remote. I’ve been here and it sucks. Then you find yourself in a situation where you’re stressed, out of shape, lacking quality sleep and develop fear of moving your back and making it worse.
As a Movement Coach I’ve seen this happen far too often, with not just older people, but more and more people in their 20’s and 30’s are experiencing this… and the road to recovery can be long and hard.
The solution: Take the whispers (stiffness, discomfort, weakness, pain) coming from your back seriously, so they don’t turn into a scream and bigger issues in the future. 


By learning to care for your spine you can work with the whispers as they come up and relieve them relatively quickly, to prevent chronic back issues. This sets you up for feeling youthful and moving freely as you age.

How to Build a Better Back



Get to the root cause of back stiffness & pain.

Your spine is complex. It’s a network of soft tissues, joints and nerves that connect with every system in your body. That’s why there's no 'magic exercise' and resolving the root cause of back stiffness & pain isn’t a one size fits all solution for everyone.
  Getting to the root cause of back issues and improving your spinal health is all about personal agency...


Become your own physical therapist.

You may have seen a doctor, or some form of physical therapist for your back. And even got some scans (MRI or X-Ray), or a diagnosis. But you’re left with nothing more than confusion and frustration. It’s a sign to get to know your body better, to learn how your spine works and what it needs to be healthy. 

We encourage students at Movement Monk to get as much support as they need, and at the same time to develop personal agency for their own body and actions. This is because no one else can feel and know your body like you.
  Other health practitioners can only add to the spinal health & mobility trinity you’ve built yourself...


The unspoken truth about spinal health.

The path to spinal health is something that must be discovered on your own, through self-care and having a personalised spinal health & mobility practice. 

This doesn't mean you need to travel this path alone. This is about working together with people who have walked the path before you, rather than expecting that someone else can fix your back. 
  Learn more about our 3 foundations for spinal health and mobility below...

The Spinal Health & Mobility Trinity.

It's not about stretching, or foam rolling...

As the body works as an interconnected system, the solution to a healthy, strong and mobile spine must be holistic and work on the mind and the bodyI was only working on stretching and strengthening and that was a mistake. My back started to feel better and better when I focused on these three foundations simultaneously:


Breathing regulates every function in your body and learning how to direct your breath into every part of your spine supports it to gently stretch and relax. It’s like an internal masseuse that’s there with you every moment.


The fear response can be huge after you've been in pain. This can lead to avoiding any movements that might trigger pain. That's why a big part of healing your back is learning to regulate your nervous system and creating a safe feeling for your back to relax and open.


The ability to move the bones of your spine in segments, piece by piece, sequentially. This happens through developing stability and mobility through the deep postural muscles surrounding your spinal column to be able to move it with microscopic muscle control.


14-Day Better Back Challenge


  • Join us for 5-20 minutes of spinal health & mobility practices a day, for 14 days.
  • Together, we’ll create a better moving back.
  • During our sessions, we’ll focus on spinal breathing, nervous system regulation and spinal mobility to build a strong, flexible and balanced back. 
  • ​We'll answer all your questions personally, and most importantly, you’ll take full agency over your spinal health and healing journey.


  • Huge spinal mobility gains
  • ​Deeper breathing
  • Deep nervous system relaxation
  • Tension release for better postural alignment
  • ​Personalised teaching


  • ​5-20 minutes per day x14 days
  • ​Practice at home
  • Answers to all your questions
  • Supportive community
  • ​Guaranteed results


  • ​Better Back guided videos accesible on any device
  • Better Back Challenge program guide
  • ​Lifetime access to the course


  • Smart phone (iPhone / Android) or computer
  • Up to 20 mins per day for at least 14 days
  • An open mind and a spine

Normal Price: $79

Save $50

Just $2/day (for the 14-day challenge)

Discount Price: $29


You’re just a few steps away from better spinal health & mobility. Join Better Back today and get our 30-day money back guarantee. No questions asked.

Results Guarantee

If your back isn't moving noticeably better in four weeks, we don't want your money.  Send us an email within 30-days of your purchase and we'll give you a full refund. We stand behind our programs confidently because our member success rates are so high. We’re responsive, reliable, and we’re here to help.
Better Back Stories And Reviews

Better spinal mobility

  From strong, but stiff back: Markus started with a stiff back that left him feeling tight and tired from heavy strength training. He was good at bracing and lifting heavy, but lacked spinal mobility.
  To spinal mobility: He used our Spinal Breathing to relax his nervous system so his body wasn't so tense, and combined it with our Progressive Spinal Articulation Process. His back now feels stronger and more mobile than ever.

Fibromyalgia & back pain relief

  From fear of hurting her back: Jade started fibromyalgia that was giving her back pain, that made it hard to do the things she loved like surfing. Her back was tensing up from fear of hurting it, when she tried to exercise.
  To loving surfing again: She used our Spinal Breathing to relax and feel more safe to move her back. She learned how to adjust spinal exercises to her needs and re-built her spinal mobility, so she can surf and love moving her body again.

Rejuvenating spinal health

  From feeling stiff & old: Bill was dancer his whole life which led to two hip replacements, spinal wear & tear and back pain. His body was feeling more and more restricted as he aged.
  To feeling younger: With the Better Back program Bill learned how to use his breath to support his body healing. He transformed his spinal health & mobility and says he now feels '10 years younger.'

Frequent Questions

(And Answers)

Is the Better Back program right for me?
Whether you're a beginner or more experienced with spinal mobility, in your 20's, in your 80's, a Crossfitter, martial artist, rock climber, Yogi ... all you need is a spine and an interest to discover how to improve the way your back moves & feels. We teach you how to mindfully work with your unique spine at your level, rather than get you to mindlessly follow exercises. That's why it's so adaptive to a wide range of people. 
It's only $29 ... Why's the Better Back program so cheap?
Over 80% of people will experience some sort of back pain in their life. We'd like to do our bit to reduce this stat by making these practices as accesible as possible to everyone ... so we keep the price of this program as low as we can.
How will course materials be delivered?
Course materials are delivered online primarily in video format in an easy-to-use course platform. You can go at your own pace and have ongoing access for life.
How quickly can I expect results?
It depends on your training background and how long your back issues have been happening. The more consistent you are with the practices, the faster you'll get results. Some people experience significant changes in the way their back feels within the first 14-days, others take longer. What's important is to not force your body to change, allow change to happen on your own unique time frame.
What if I buy the Better Back program and it’s not what I hoped for?
We've done our best to base this program around what's helped thousands of our students over the last 10+ years ... but if you find the program doesn't help you, email and tell us your thoughts. If we can't find a solution, we're happy to provide a refund within 30-days of joining the program.
What happens after the 14 days?
If you want to keep making spinal mobility gains, keep practicing! If you're happy with where you're at, you can do maintenance spinal mobility a few times a week to keep your spine healthy. Better Back spinal mobility is something you can keep practicing for life. Use it as a warm up for your workouts, as a way to loosen up at the end of the day, or to relieve back pain that can happen any time through life.

About Me

After living with scoliosis, chronic pain & brick-like flexibility for years, and getting no lasting relief from mainstream fitness and therapies, Benny embarked on a journey to heal his body and get to know himself better.

Through 20+ years of research and practice of movement & meditation arts, he found a way to restore physical freedom, which also led to profound personal growth.

He now shares his knowledge with students and health practitioners world-wide through his online meditative movement education platform — Movement Monk.
  Better Spinal Mobility — Zero Equipment
  Beginner — Intermediate Level
  20-Minute Daily Guided Videos
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